Three ways I would change the world (if I could)
4th Sep, 2022

If I could make 3 tweaks to the way things are in the world today, I would start with:
- Poverty alleviation
I find it so sad that with all the resources on our planet, there are still people who go to bed without eating a decent meal. Basic necessities like shelter, running water, clothing, and healthcare are things that I feel should be shared by all of us. I wish there was a way for all of us to share and distribute all these things equally.
2 Literacy for all
Being a writer, literacy is one of my passions. I would love for there to be no illiterate people. I would love for all children to have access to books and enjoy reading. Reading opens up the mind and is the key to so many opportunities. Because of this, I started a children's literacy initiative, It is still in its infancy but I have started with South Africa, Zambia, and Malawi. For more info on this and to find out how you can help, please send me an email to
3 World peace
My final tweak would be for all people to get along despite our differences( be it religion, race, culture etc). Every single one of us was created differently, we are all unique. I wish we could just accept our differences and settle them with no need for violence.
These are my 3 world-changing wishes, what are yours?