Top 10 Benefits of Reading to Your Child
7th May, 2021
- Reading to your child makes you bond with him/her- This gives your child a sense of intimacy and well-being. This feeling of intimacy will not only make your child feel close to you, the feeling of being lovedand getting attention also helps him/her to grow smart.
- Your child will have a positive attitude towards reading-The intimacy of reading to your child is such a pleasurable experience to him/her that he/she will have a positive attitude towards reading as he/she grows up.
- It is a bonding experience-It promotes increased communication between you and your child.
- Your child will do well in school- Research shows that Preschool children who are exposed to language by hearing words that are read to them and in conversation tend to do well in school. Many studies also show that students who love learning and do well in school were exposed to reading before preschool.
- It promotes longer attention span-This is an important skill for your child to be able to concentrate.
- It builds listening skills and imagination-This is a very important life skill
- It increases your child’s IQ-A study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science concluded that “reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by over 6 points.”
- Books teach your child thinking skills early. When you read to your child, he/she learns to understand cause and effect, they learn to exercise logic, as well as think in abstract terms. He/she learns the consequences of actions, and the basics of what is right and wrong.
- Books teach your child –They teach about relationships, situations, personalities, and what is good and what is bad in the world he/she lives in. Fantasy books provide material for his/her imagination and free play. Fairy tales fascinate your child, and help him/her distinguish between what is real and what is not.
- It teaches them to deal with life experiences-When your child reaches a new stage in his/her growth, or experiences a new and unfamiliar situation, reading to your child about a story relevant to his/her new experience can relieve his/her anxiety and help him/her cope. For example, if your child is stressed about his/her first day in school, or about moving to a new location, you can read a book to him/her that shows that these should not be painful experiences.
Finally ,here are some tips to remember on reading to your child so he will grow up a reader:
- Make your child an active participant in the reading.
- Also, use age-appropriate strategies on reading to your child. Reading to your child’s with different ages presents new opportunities and challenges.
- Since your child imitates your behaviour, let him/her see you read books. Let them know that reading is a part of life!
- Let your child feel that reading a book with him/her is a pleasurable and enjoyable experience, and not a stressful activity that you are forcing him/her to do.
- Form a habit of reading to them at the same time each day, or at least several times a week. Choose a time when you and your child are both relaxed and not rushed.
- Choose books that your child will be most interested in, and appropriate for his age. A young child likes colourful drawings and pictures of people.
- Sometimes, your child likes a particular book and wants to read it repeatedly. Do not discourage this, since he/she finds reading this book pleasurable – and pleasure is what he/she should get from reading! Also, he/she is getting the most out of this book and is giving you a hint about his/her interest!
- Expose your child though to a variety of books.
- Surround your child with books. Keep books where your child can easily reach them so he will be able to browse them by himself.
- Take books to read to your child on long trips and places where you have to wait like the doctor’s office.
- And the most important of all, buy one of my 10 books available on Amazon and on my website J (just kidding)